Stan Lee presents...

Actually no he doesn't, but it seemed apt to make that the title of the first post.

Welcome, True Beliebers, to The Negative Zone.
This is a blog in which I am going to do sarcastic (but sort of affectionate, probably. Unless the comics are genuinely terrible) reviews of classic Marvel comics, some of which I've read before and some of which I haven't; I have kind of a plan for doing this because I find plans useful, but may deviate from it as story arcs and references to other comics crop up.

By way of boring backstory I'm not someone who's been reading Marvel comics since childhood. I  started reading them about 18 months ago off the back of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the discovery that Marvel Unlimited* costs as much per month as buying two print comics but allows me to read so many more. In that time I've ploughed my way through various series and crossovers to bring myself up to date, and hopped between old and modern comics as I build up the background of the Marvel universe in my head. There might be people out there who think this would make me unqualified to be sarcastic about Marvel, and those people can fuck off.

*Go subscribe to MU. No, it's not perfect, but it's sure as hell cheaper than getting print comics and takes up less room. I am not endorsed by, or affiliated with, Marvel in any way, I just like the app.

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