Tuesday 28 February 2017

Our Love Story #5

The last few days have been pretty shit, so I'm going to take a break from my deconstruction of 70s Doctor Strange to bring you a lesser known relic of Marvel's past, from when they did teen romance comics as as well as super heroes... The comic in question is Our Love Story #5, but only one of its stories is archived on Marvel Unlimited so this blog post will be thankfully short.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Doctor Strange #11

Doctor Strange #10 left us with a bit of a cliffhanger as Eternity embroiled our hero in a cosmic game of his own devising to decide the fate of the very Earth itself. And so, because I'm not so much of a jerk I'd randomly move to another comic, it is time to life the veil on what follows as I delve into the dark secrets of Strange's psyche in Doctor Strange #11!

Monday 13 February 2017

Doctor Strange #10

I love 70s Doctor Strange, and it was was this very story arc which started me down the road to writing this blog. As much as I was enjoying what I was reading I was struck by the various plot holes, narrative causalities, moments of poor characterisation and so on, and I started posting contextless observations about particularly facepalmworthy moments on Facebook, which my friends found amusing, and now here we are... so without further ado I bring you the beginning of the end of the world in Doctor Strange #10!

Saturday 4 February 2017

Avengers #1

1963 brought many things that would have a long reaching effect on the world: The Beatles' rise to international fame, the assassination of JFK, the first transmission of an odd little educational sci-fi programme called Doctor Who... but surely none of these things could be as stupendous as the coming together of Earth's mightiest super-heroes? Well, True Believers, we're about to find out as I swear about... The Avengers!