Thursday 22 March 2018

Amazing Fantasy #15 - Spider-Man!

Spider-Man. A hero whose origin story has been told so many times even Batman is starting to think it's getting a bit repetitive. So why not tell it again? With extra swearing. Yes, I am aware of the irony of appearing on television in order to decry it.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Fantastic Four #1

Recently I learned three things. First, that pressing 'ctrl+z' one too many times in Blogger will delete the entire content of a draft post; second, that Blogger does not allow you to revert to an earlier draft in the event of accidentally losing your most recent one; and third, that I really need to start keeping offsite backups of any posts I'm writing.

And so here is my second attempt at reviewing that most sacred of Marvel's cows: Fantastic Four #1.