Thursday 22 March 2018

Amazing Fantasy #15 - Spider-Man!

Spider-Man. A hero whose origin story has been told so many times even Batman is starting to think it's getting a bit repetitive. So why not tell it again? With extra swearing. Yes, I am aware of the irony of appearing on television in order to decry it.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Fantastic Four #1

Recently I learned three things. First, that pressing 'ctrl+z' one too many times in Blogger will delete the entire content of a draft post; second, that Blogger does not allow you to revert to an earlier draft in the event of accidentally losing your most recent one; and third, that I really need to start keeping offsite backups of any posts I'm writing.

And so here is my second attempt at reviewing that most sacred of Marvel's cows: Fantastic Four #1.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Amazing Adventures #5

And so we approach the season of copius consumption so what better time for me to dissect a lovely Christmas story that, for some reason, Marvel published in March*. Which still isn't quite as bad as that fucking TV channel that does a "Christmas Movie Week" in the summer.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Avengers #6

Following the excellent response I got from reviewing the seemingly quite unpopular Secret Wars II I'm going to show that I've learned nothing by immediately going back to dismantling classics and fan favourites by casting my baleful eye over Avengers #6.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Secret Wars II #9 - Part Two

In the last blog post we left you with The Beyonder deciding that everything is still shit and there's no way he can make it better for himself by being mortal because (quite reasonably, based on his general behaviour and demeanour) everyone thinks he's a twat, and some of those people are quite powerful. So he (again) is contemplating just destroying everything, because fuck everyone else, right?

Friday 15 September 2017

Secret Wars II #9 - Part One

In 1984 Marvel published Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, a massive toy advert limited series in which several heroes and villains are whisked away to another world to do battle with each other for the amusement of a being called The Beyonder.

A year later Secret Wars II became the first Marvel Comics Event, with not only a limited series but also an extended storyline that was woven into almost every published title of the time. Now, I could spend time going through the whole thing, but frankly that would take ages and I can't be arsed, so I'm skipping ahead to issue #9 of the main series, which I am assured is proper batshit and probably far more entertaining to write about than Daredevil #1 is proving to be.